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Tout nouveau sur ce superbe jeu de biathlon, je souhaite jouer en ligne mais a chaque fois ça me met qu'il faut que je télécharge la dernière mise à jour du jeu mais je possède bien la version 6.2...

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? 

Salut Caillou ! En fait y a eu une sorte de MAJ cachée dans la 6.2 elle même je crois que c'est pour mettre le mode été en ligne du coup il faut juste la réinstaller (si tu regardes c'est marqué sur la page là que la 6.2 est sorti y a 53 jours alors que quand tu arrives au téléchargement de la 6.2 y a marqué que ça a été modifié y a 16 jours)

Salut ! Merci pour l'info j'ai effectivement maintenant accès au mode en ligne ! Je vais essayer de me perfectionner encore un peu (surtout au tir) pour venir jouer en ligne ^^

D'ailleurs si tu veux on a créé un serveur avec une 2 compet sur le jeu qui se passent les week-end le seul problème c'est qu'on est genre 9 inscrits et on est 4 ou 5 max chaque week-end donc on recherche des gens ^^'

Hello ! Bah moi ça m’intéresse toujours, même si je suis pas un grand joueur sur ce jeu ! En solo je me débrouille (même si parfois le tir c’est pas simple) ! Donc moi je suis open ;)

Le lien du discord c'est ça : sinon mon discord c'est valco7550

(2 edits)

Je m'adresse ici à toutes les personnes voulant un peu d'activité sur NGL Biathlon. Avec mon cousin, nous avons créé un serveur dans lequel si assez de personnes se présentent se déroulera un championnat de biathlon sur plusieurs saison !! Nous n'avons pas encore finis de développer toutes les petites règles à propos de cela mais n'importe qui voulant participer au développement de ce serveur est la bienvenue !! (lien d'invitation au serveur discord : et si ça ne fonctionne pas vous pouvez me contacter sur mon discord : valco7550)

Hello ,

The same opinion for my part, the game is really good, but the penalty rounds are not effective enough, a 15 second would be good , thank and congratulation for your game :)

Hi, Please can you make the penalty laps bigger? Irl it takes like 30seconds, but in the game it takes 5 seconds. make it at least 15s, becouse i know the track is smaller then irl. Thanks so much, i would really love to see this in the new update.


First i love your game, its hard for me in medium but i keep going 

I just have one question i buy item in shop and i can't change it in my career i can only change ski 

Bonsoir, je voulais savoir si un mode carrière en ligne ou si l'ajout de bot en ligne était en cours de développement ? ça pourrait vraiment être incroyable on attend ça avec impatience avec mon cousin. Et je voulais également report une mauvaise nationalité : dans le jeux, Campbell Wright est désigné comme Néozélandais mais il a changé de nationalité il est Américain maintenant ! Sinon merci à vous pour le jeu il est masterclass c'est incroyable d'y jouer j'en suis à ma 3 eme carrière avec près de 7 saisons finis en solo !! Merci pour le jeu et bonne continuation !!

(2 edits) (-1)

Salut, est-il possible pour les prochaines mises à jour de modifier le nombre de participants aux épreuves, ce qui serait plus proche de la réalité

- 60 concurrents pour les sprints, individuels [100 en réalité]

- 40 concurrents pour les poursuites [60 dans la réalité]

- 30 concurrents pour les mass starts [30 en réalité].

Comme ça il y aura plus de concurrence dans les épreuves et plus de points attribués. 

Sinon tu fait du très bon travail a chaque fois. 

Merci pour tout.


I would like to report a bug:

Used Version: NGL Biathlon Beta-6.1.

I do also sim racing and I have a lot of USB controllers (steering wheel, pedals, Gear stick, etc).

I think, these controllers mess up with the NGL Biathlon controls.

My Player is constantly turning in circles and the game becomes unplayable.

When I unplug all of my sim racing USB devices, the controls are back to normal.

This game is really fun but it feels a little lacking at times, I agree with the points Adam Rys but to me it's not a deal breaker, it would be nice if there were some kind of wind physics and you can correct to optic depending on the wind. And have some sort of pre shooting before a race to configure the optic. Might be hard to implement something like that now, but hopefully in the future!

Je ne peux pas télécharger car quand je télécharge cela me met en mode vidéo quand je doit ouvrir le téléchargemen



I have been playing your game since Alpha 6, the game is great and I look forward to every update. I don't want to criticize your work, you are doing a great job.

1. Online Mode 

      - I have been playing the online mode with friends for a little over a year now actively, no less it would be better to add more online players, of course just enough to make the game manageable. 

       - I would also appreciate more online tournaments, which are great, but there could definitely be more.

2. Relays 

      - I've been actively watching biathlon for about 6 years now and lately in mixed relays I sometimes see men starting and women finishing, of course if it could be done it would be great.

      - for individual relays it would be good to make it like in reality that after 2 shots you pass.

3. Race courses

       - because one lap takes 1 minute and 30 seconds, and that means that many relays are often passed by and sometimes the first relay is passed by the other relays, it would be good to make the courses longer and make them a little bit more realistic, after passing someone the biathlete would have to stop and should get a DNF or LAP.

        - It would be good to put DSQ in the race, racers who broke something for example that they used a mistake and shortened the race, they would finish but they should get DSQ for breaking the rules.

         - Also include IBU Cup courses in the courses for example - Obertiliach, Brezno, Idre, Sjuejoen, Ridnaun or Lenzerheide.

4. Other improvements 

       - extension of the penalty lap

       - more competitors in sprint and individual

       - 30 states for biathletes, sometimes it happens that I can have 24 male relays but 3 random relays will cancel.

       - When there would be more athletes, it would be good to see the results at the start and finish as in reality, in 10 position tables, that I could scroll the tables of results, run times, and other stats.

        - Adding a Coach or Team Helper.

        - announcing the winners 

        - crash simulation

        - weather settings, that I could set the fog and set how thick it will be if medium or almost nothing will be visible, same for wind that I could set that there will be an awful lot of wind when shooting which will affect the robots and me, of course in career and online tournaments it would be automatically given what the fog will be after the wind preparation.

Thank you very much of course for making this game for all of us, I'm so glad this game exists. Keep on with your fantastic journey to an amazing game. 

Deleted 330 days ago


Je suis un joueur expérimenté de votre jeu.

Il me semble qu'il existe quelques beugs sur votre jeu.

Premièrement lors d'une accélération avec la touche espace, il m'est impossible de faire autre chose à part tourner sur la droite. Je ne peux tourner sur la gauche ou accéder au temps des adversaires.

Secondement, il y a une latence parfois très importante pour se mettre en position pour descendre, d'avantage encore si la touche espace est utilisée.

Ces deux problème complique de nombreuses courses et donnent un temps de ski médiocre. Jouant au jeu régulièrement depuis  ans, je n'avais jamais eu ces beug sur les précédentes versions. Suis-je le seul ?

Pourquoi ne pas ajouter un système de forme et de fatigue à la pro cycling manager afin de cibler des périodes dans la saison et permettre une plus grande disparité dans les résultats ?

Merci pour votre travail en tout cas


Hello, I have downloaded the beta 6 version and I have encountered quite a major problem with it. I've noticed it has changed format of storing saves in AppData/LocalLow/…/mysave . Now there is a folder for each save containing multiple .ngldata files instead of one file per save. Which sadly means that it is incompattible with older versions. I have my save from beta 4 where I have loads of custom athletes (which took forever to make) and now I cannot transfer them to the new version. What can I do? PLEASE HELP

i need biathlon 3.1

pls the biathlon beta 6 and features all sportsmans in one carer and sprint and induvidual .2feature 60 sportsmans qualific mass start in pursuit 3.biggest penalti laps

Hello, in the beta5 update it always happens to me that after I leave an individual and a sprint, the sprint is repeated. You advise me so that this does not happen to me.

Could you write about your problem to . We will try to help

Hello, i have the same probleme. 

Have you found an answer?

Could you write about your problem to . We will try to help


what problem

(1 edit)

Yes, I use it

I like the game very much, but in the latest versions of Beta 3.1 and Beta 4, it often happens that when I try to turn on the career, I can't get further than the screen where you determine which league you want to start in and how many rounds the world cup will have, etc. And when if I succeed, for example, after the sixth race, then the race keeps repeating itself. Could someone advise me so that this does not happen to me again.


Hello! May be you are using to play with 1 league in career?

This game is actually such a great game. It is really worth playing with all the possibilities it proposes. I have so much fun playing it.


- a system of shape in which athletes aren't in the same shape from one stage to another, or even from one course to another. This system could be random but also based on results: athletes making a good race could have a good shape on the next race, etc...

- On track, the feature that would be interested is a system in which you can use a bind to follow the athlete just before you, so that you can choose to try and stay with an athlete stronger than you to increase your chance to rivalize against him. What could be therefore intersting to add to this feature is the endurance bar that empties more or less depending on the difference of level between the two athletes following each other. I really think this feature would be very realistic and enjoyable to play.

- Penalty laps are a bit too short, I think making them longer should be interesting. The point is not necessarily to make twenty-second long penalty lap as in real life, but at least make them 15 seconds instead of 7.

Other than that, this game is the best biathlon game ever created and the amount of fun in it is just insane! I hope it is gonna be improved again and again to make it perfect! :)

Hey if you need some help, i can support you. I'm very capable in sound design and engineering and maybe in creating skins. Great project! :)

Hello! You can contact us email:

Bonjour, je joue à NGL Biathlon depuis 1 mois, étant fan de biathlon il y a deux points de développements qui pourraient entrer dans le jeu en fonction de la difficulté de développement.

1er point, l'ajout d'une ou deux épreuves en relais.

- Le relais mixte; [avec 2 Femmes et 2 Hommes] les femmes passent en premières, les homme en seconds, ils ont 2 tires chacun [1 couché  et 1 debout], ils ont chacun 3 balles de pioches et autant de tours de pénalité s'ils manques les 3 balles de pioches.

parcoure de 2 tours de 6 kms pour les 4 biathlètes 

- Le relais mixte simple: avec 1 homme et 1 femme, les hommes commencent l`épreuve avec 1 tir couché et 1 tir debout, le relais ce fait à la sortie du pat de tir. ils font 2 tours de 6 kms.

Les femmes prennent le relais, elles font aussi 2 tours et 2 tirs, 1 couché et 1 debout, elles font le relais et les hommes refont 2 tirs et 2 tours, les femmes reprennent le relais pour refaire 2 tirs et 2 tours. 

toujours avec les 3 balles de pioches pour chaque tir pour tous les participant.

2eme point: serait l`ajout de la météo pour le tir avec le vent pour ajouter de la difficulté au tir.

En tous cas tu fait du très bon et beau travail sur ce jeu, c'est très agréable à jouer, continue comme ça.


Greetings! First my respect for the work you all put in this game. This game is definitely better than the old Biathlon games of 2005-10. And they were made by Studios. I know it's for free but it was worth 30 bucks for me! I hope you don't loose the motivation for the product because i think the fanbase is growing.

The only things i hope for future updates are longer laps (5-7min.) to make it more tactical with the stamina and a little bit of tuning at the shooting, maybe simulating the breathing frequency, holding calmer with a button between the shots,....! 

But again! Awesome work.

I have a very annoying bug on this game and I'va been having his bug for one year now...

When I have to skip a race (for instance after not qualifying for the pursuit), randomly I will have the yes button not advancing. So I will have to click No for the window to disappear and then again Yes to - perhaps - have something happens.

BUT the race is simulated and the points added to every racers each time I click on the YES button, so 21 qualified athletes will get a lot more points and the season standings is broken. (For correction of the Yes button freeze, I can add that the points are added but not the wins or podium in the medal sections)


Hello! Do you play with one league in your career?

I don't understand what you are calling a league... so difficult answer

Previously I had only one save. And one career in it.

To avoid th eproblem, I tried to duplicate my save to be able to overcome the problem and I now have 3 saves, with one career in each (at diffrent stages) but the problems still occurs very often and I had to stop playing for the moment.

thanks for support.

Got what the league is ! 

I'm racing in Men World Cup only. I have the simulate results of all the other leagues. 

Don't remmeber is the Full 4 Leagues was set to Yes or No (think of No !)

Could you write about your problem to . We will try to help

(2 edits)

a little new idea. When you are in career and racing for a country without enough athletes for the relay, it would be cool if you can race the relay in the world cup instead of your race in your league. That often happens in real too. 

e.g Belgium what i race for. Zero relays un world cup bc not enough athletes.

or is there is limit of teams of 12? 

so like i said in my other comment, Higher limit options everywhere

edit: i see in world cup. Too many racers from one country. Maybe a 6 men maximum bc germany and norway fills like everything XD

(1 edit)

for the fact this is a free fun game, its very great and i see no other biathlon games on the market who can challenge this. 

But for me as nordic ski fan 2 things are annoying me

1. The weird league system  with 4 international leagues. In reality there are 2 leagues + 1 junior league for youth athletes.

1.1 Rivals and their carries option isnt avaiable??

2. 90 percent of the 2500 courses i know since little childhood. and its so sad, that there is nothing original. 

WOuld be very nice to have a realistic mode with original racing courses and original times and obviously an original penatly course. i know, that many people want it faster, but for them the tracks which are here are very good. 

Beside of this 2 points this is one of the 3 best games i ever played. ( the best sports game i ever played bc i just like ski sports and there is no good game besides of that)

edit: the problem with rival and their careers is a problem, bc when you start with 63 stats you will need 10 years to have the stats for the 1st league. And then they are all retiring


Garry G.

(1 edit) (+1)

Started playing beta 3.1. Amazingly good. Few comments though:

  • Having close to 100 athletes (just like in real life) would be great
  • Skating
    • Penalty lap of around 20-22 seconds instead of 6-7 like currently. Missing a shot isn't very punishing for those top skaters.
    • Laps should be longer (setting ?). This will probably make it easier to have more athletes on the course.
    • The top skaters just fly by the worst skaters. It's a bit exaggerated I think (20% quicker).
  • Shooting
    • Range should have space for 30 athletes
    • It would be nice to specify which target we want to begin with so we avoid wasting time when the shooting screen shows up (setting)
    • Shooting time in real life is longer (19 standing - 23 prone for the top). They all shoot like Dorothea Wierer on her best day in this game ... even on "individual" where shooting times are usually longer because ... 1 minute penalty is heavy. If I check Elvira Oeberg's shooting at Kontiolahti this year, she took 33 prone and 37 standing (lost 30 seconds to the quickest shooter... and 80 additional seconds for 3 penalty laps).
    • Impossible to compete in shooting time on hard difficulty
      • somehow there is an auto targeting mechanism in place which messes how you can move to the next target correctly
      • after some time, the rifle starts moving like madness and after that good luck hitting the target (I guess the auto-targeting with me trying to compensate makes it bug somehow)
      • seems like everything was divided by 3-4 (lap length, penalty loop, shooting time variation between athletes) ... but still I can't divide myself by 3-4 that easily.
  • Having some whether forecast to better choose skis would be great. Currently you choose some skis and hope that the weather doesn't change to cancel the bonus.
  • Season:
    • It's very rare to not have a pursuit after a sprint. Yet in my current season it's so often.
    • Mass-start is always last, but I have multiple occurrences of "sprint, mass start, individual"
    • Rules for the mass start include the best "not qualified" for the week, not simply the 30 (21 in this game) first of the standings.

That's all I can think of now. The game mechanics are great and hope all the best for this game.

(1 edit)

Agree with most of the above, although I have been able to win a season playing as Amanda Lightfoot on hard difficulty (created myself with fairly realisitic ratings based on the worst female athlete in the game) with the current shooting times, some of the athletes in game are terrible shots so there speed is academic if I'm accurate, however, agree shooting times should be slower in Individual and the shooting slightly improved because of this. I also agree the auto aiming and stickiness feels like a pain, if the rifle just moved naturally without any auto targeting my shooting would possibly be worse, but much quicker as it does seem to wobble like crazy at times. That said, I shoot 80% on hard, and I don't want it much easier than that...

I also don't mind the weather forecast thing... be a bit boring if there wasn't some jeopardy in choosing skis as it could become a bit of a cheat code or OP. However, AI on certain skis should suffer in some places as the guys on Fischer skis did earlier in the season (Cannot remember which meeting all the Fischer athletes struggled including JT Boe).

To add a few of my own suggestions:

A fatigue meter dependent on stamina on weekends where there are multiple relay races (so the bigger teams have more chance of being tired or using other athletes and smaller teams are more realistically penalized... look at the Norwegian relay team in Poljuka, or the fact Lapshin and Usov raced in everything).

A consistency rating that affects all skiing ratings say +/- 5% and shooting ratings +/- 10% . This could be higher for say inconsistent shooters like Vitozzi and Ponsilouma .

More athletes from minor nations like Mongolia, Greenland etc. so every team can at least field say a two person M & F relay (currently I make loads of new athletes for this purpose but it gets dull doing it with every new beta). And countries that have 3 athletes (Like Belgium and Japan) just add a fourth athlete and 1 like Moldova and Romania add 1 extra athlete. I have a formula using real biathlon. com but it's time consuming.

Still love this game, and have been playing for a while


I have hug problems downloading the game. I do unzip the downloaded file, however I can´t find the file that launches the game. Could you maybe make a clearer download guide or help me in some other way? 

I really like how this game looks!

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)


First of all, I want to say that this game, even with its current state is quite amazing, biathlon in general is an amazing sport!

I agree on some points with previous posts, so here are some suggestions.

-Penalty lap does need to be longer, between 15-20sec, its way too short and gives a good chance to win even if you miss a lot of shots. It would also be nice if the heart rate affects the shooting, because i can easily abuse the range area sprinting with max while others slow down to prepare for shooting, and i can still shoot accurately, which in reality would be extremely difficult. The events are a bit too short too, 5-8min races are simply too short,  if i play a game of nba/fifa/football manager etc the duration of one match could go from anywhere between 20-40minutes, this would help to make the penalty lap more realistic and also would give room to add more athletes.

-42 athletes per division is way too low! It makes team races super boring and it takes out one of the best features of biathlon, which is that there are so many countries that can compete for top spots! There should be 2 divisions, around 100 athletes in each. I played the game for 10 seasons, I did not face any bugs which is nice, but after 10 seasons the variety of nations gets even less exciting. New athletes appeared only from handful of countries, almost all new youth athletes were from Norway/Sweden/France/Russia/Germany, i also had few athletes from Ukraine/Belarus/Finland/Switzerland and Italy BUT i think 0 from other countries :/ 

Team/Mixed relay competitions are extremely fun, but not when you have only 5-8 teams.. There should be a limit on athletes per country, racing against 16 norwegians is not that fun (no disrespect, i love Sturla and Tiril and Bö brothers too!)

-Make weather and ski choice matter more. Currently it doesnt really matter which skis i select, no matter the weather, they all behave and feel the same, but bad skis in reality can make an athlete lose a lot of time uphill/downhill situations. Same with the wind and snowfall - these should make the shooting trickier but they had 0 effect.

-Shooting speed also needs to be reviewed, it feels like most of them use automatic guns to shoot, they are so fast)

Thanks :)


Hello, I'd like updates:     

- Penalty lap around 20 seconds instead of 6-7

- 100 athletes per league instead of 42

-  pursuits reached by top 60. 1st ranking point given at place 40 in sprint
    and pursuit                                                                                                                          

 - mass start only possible for top 30 of ranking
- english commentary for the happiness of a race                                                        -  - - update all new athletes 



it would be absolutely nice if you create the game about Cross-country skiing, with sprints,distances and Two styles of skiing: classic and free ( which is here in biathlon)

Hi, I have a question.

Where can I find the file of my savegame on my PC in order to recover it, copy it and transfer it to another PC. Because when I copy/paste the NGL BIATHLON file where the game is located, the savegame does not transfer with it.

If someone could help me, it would change my way of playing and save me time!

Thank you very much.

PS: I love the game, it's great, I haven't had so much fun on a sports game for a long time!


Est-ce que tu as essayé de mettre le dossier du jeu sur une clé USB ?

Hi, my game crashed at the end of first season jsut before clicking on "Newt Season". Now when I come back to my career, I have the end of season rankings but only option is to quit.

Do you have a workaround to go to the next season ?


Nordic games lab, I'm Harsh Lakhan and here I'm representing my friend. He has a found a bug. He changed names and notes of certain athletes after that it was impossible for him to create a new athlete, he deleted save games, uninstalled and reinstalled game many times but still he has the problem, is there a solution available? Please help him.

Gros bug pour moi après avoir modifié les noms et notes de certains athlètes il m'est désormais impossible de créer un nouvel athlète et tout les autres ont disparu ( nouvelle sauvegarde, jeu désinstallé puis réinstallé) rien ne règle mon problème.

Quelqu'un aurait une solution svp ? 

Dude, Don't you think you should use English? Please.

Sorry my english is bad bro

I love this game! allthough i would recommend to improve the athlete models but tis game so funn

Congratulations for this game, I search frequently player for online mode et sometimes I stream NGL on twitch. If players are interested you can find me easly :D

i want to do it i never find people onlineeeee

I love this game as a British biathlon fan.

Agree with the guy below about extra venues, I'd also love to see the tournaments/career encompass a larger maximum of AI athletes say 60 or 80 (although I appreciate this may be difficult with CPU levels). This would be fun to have bigger national relay teams.

Is there a way to edit newly created athletes attributes? Am I missing something obvious? Thanks for the work on this game.

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